Crafting exceptional software solutions exclusively designed for your business needs. Learn More
Yes, any Store App developed by CodeBlox is absolutely free
Yes, you have the option to turn on Chat functionality with no additional fees.
You can restrict access to forms, dashboards, reports, etc. using our role-based access. Additionally, you can restrict access even down to the field level
Absolutely, use your corporate logo and color schemes to make the app your own.
Yes, you can choose form hundreds of built in formulas from simple add/ subtract to concatenation, substrings, net present value, and many others
Yes, please contact us and we can discuss your needs.
Absolutely, create one or dozens of dashboards, all included, and all secure to any assigned role.
Of course, we have reminders built in to the platform. Any user can set reminders in order to receive notification on future meetings, call backs, events etc.
You have two options for submitting a ticket
Of course, we have several built in API connections. Additionally, we support connecting with any of the many apps with OpenAPI / Swagger documentation
The database design is automatically available in real time. Just navigate to the application diagram to view.
Yes, you can store images, documents in nearly any format and view them with our multimedia viewer.